Saturday, March 3, 2007

PogoDrive GPS: Steers You Away From Court

PogoDrive is another GPS in a crowded market of UK-exclusive navigational devices with one unique feature: it will warn you of speedtraps. That's because Pogo has loaded the Origin360 database onto their platform, which has mapped all known cameras and speed traps in the Universe.
The Pogo then allows automatic warning prompts from any of its view modes, while also supporting a function in which you are only warned of speedtraps (sans directions and maps). Not bad, though alternate route selection around speed traps could be a nice bonus for the chronic speeder.
While the Origin360 has been around for years, it's exciting to see more functions merging into GPS devices. Now if we could only get the $462 PogoDrive here in the US, we'll never have to say "I didn't realize I was speeding, officer—I guess was too worried about the orphanage on fire and that round pastry I just dropped out of my car to notice," again.

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