Saturday, November 25, 2006

New gaming laptop from WidowPC

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 22 /PRNewswire/ — WidowPC, the industry’s leading gaming laptop boutique announced today that they have launched a new Core 2 Duo gaming laptop that gives those seeking an alternative to mass produced laptops like the Dell XPS M1710 a solution. This gaming laptop sports the industry’s fastest gaming video card, the fastest Core 2 Duo CPU and up to 4 GB of high performance DDR2 RAM at a record setting price of $2195 –more than $100 lower than Dell’s price.
“Many people believe that they don’t really have any other option than to buy from the ‘big business’ computer manufacturers,” said Joshua McClure, chief executive at WidowPC. “This high value proposition to holiday computer shoppers changes all that by showing people that there are family run companies that still care about individual customers and can offer the same or better features with a better price.”
In addition to award-winning American tech support for the life of the product, WidowPC’s dual core Sting 517D(TM) gaming laptop also features Intel’s latest Core 2 Duo Merom CPU, an NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7950 GTX video card with 512MB DDR3 memory, a 17-inch Wide Screen 1920 x 1200 WUXGA SuperBrite LCD, DVD-RAM technology, up to 4 GB of high speed DDR2 memory, 200 GB of fast SATA hard drive storage, high speed wireless, Bluetooth, TV tuner, memory card slots, multimedia connections, $400 in free software, and lifetime tech support from real humans in America. Pricing starts at $2,195 — roughly $100 less than Dell’s XPS product.

Read more at Widowpc

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