The iPhone has been the recipient of more hype than the Second Coming, so it comes as no surprise that highly paid analysts are already predicting the development of a
second iPhone before the first has even come out. The analyst at American Technology Research predicts that the new iPhone will integrate with iTunes and have IM capabilities... as if a phone being able to IM is something new or exciting or something; its predicted name is "iChat Mobile." (The same report, rumored to be titled "I Get Paid To Make Shit Up," also predicts that we'll see the first iPhone sometime in early 2007, which sort of meshes with
earlier reports we've received from human rights-abusing factories in China.)
Finally, Mr. Analyst says that the iPhone will most probably resemble an iPod nano.
Don't you just love random guessing?
What I want to know is, will the iPhone drop my calls, have a terrible battery life and useless camera? If it does, well, I already have a cellphone like that, thank you very much. – Nicholas Deleon
Via http://www.gizmodo.com/
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